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Cookie Policy

Our website uses cookies to ensure its proper function, to improve its content and to facilitate your navigation thereto.

  1. Introduction to Cookies

Cookies are small text files with information that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit that website. Cookies are not aware of any document or file on your electronic device. Mainly, cookies enable the website to remember your actions and preferences (eg username, language) for a certain period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them every time whenever you come back to the website. Also, some cookies enable us to improve our customer services, since they inform us about the ways you browse the website, as well as the frequency of your visits thereto.

  1. Cookies we use
  2. Necessary Cookies:

These Cookies ensure that our website functions properly and effectively. They are necessary for your access and navigation to the website and the use of our customer services. These cookies are stored on your device until they expire or you manually delete them. These cookies do not require your prior consent and cannot lead to the disclosure of your identity.


Name Description Provider Duration
PHPSESSID This cookie is used to store and identify a users’ unique session ID for the purpose of managing user session on the website ‘Aristotle’s Paths’ For as long as the user is connected to the website
Ppwp_wp_session No description ‘Aristotle’s Paths’ 30 minutes



  1. Functional ‘Technical’ Cookies:

Cookies in this category are used to improve your navigation in the website. These cookies allow the website to remember your actions and preferences (eg username, language). These cookies are optional and cannot lead to the disclosure of your identity.

Name Description Provider Duration



  1. Analytics Cookies:

Cookies in this category are used exclusively to improve our customer services. These cookies confirm the way you interact on our website, such as they indicate the website traffic, the keywords you use to search and your geographical area. These cookies are optional and cannot lead to the disclosure of your identity.

Name Description Provider Duration
Ppwp_wp_session ‘Aristotle’s Paths’ 30 minutes



  1. Social Widget Cookies:

The cookies of this category allow the operation of the social media buttons (facebook, instagram) that are on our website. Essentially, they allow you to share the content of our website with your friends on social networks. These cookies are optional.

Name Description Provider Duration



  1. Disabling Cookies

Should you not want to use cookies, you can change the settings on your internet browser so that you do not receive certain or all of them. In this case, you may need to re-enter your preferences each time you visit a webpage. Please note that some of our customer services may not work properly if all cookies are disabled.

When you start a trip, you do not just plan a route, you get involved in the five senses of the place you are visiting. Perfumes, images, local gastronomy, customs and traditions. In the end you change because you experienced something different. Let's start a journey together P. Markogiannaki Founder at Aristotle’s Paths


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